Friday, October 7, 2011

Is God trying to tell me something?

Ok, this is bizarre. First I dream that I have a talented daughter who can sing and play guitar, next up some scene from Gundam Seed pops in my head and "Kimi Wa Boku Ni Niteriu" soon follows after until I awake.

That aside, Had this idea for a game for a while now.

A military academy type setting armor we get is earned through out the game, each piece having some bonus/detriment towards overall stats/etc. This could possibly end up like Borderlands where armor pieces are !@#$%^&* everywhere, Multiplayer elements would include what one would expect. Slayer-wait, I mean FFA, CTF and all that jazz. The multiplayer excuse story wise would be a training area where armor earned in campaign mode would be usable there and vice versa, similar to Halo Reach.

This might pop out again in future, but I can see some issues with the vision already game play wise. If Halo went this way, it would be CoD all over again. This might be worth keeping for later.

Something I thought looked pretty cool. Fan art ftw!

Thats all for this post. till next time.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back from the dead.

Finally too.

Since it's the Hols, other than relaxing I should be reviewing. X(

I've got some ideas on which games to put. ^^

Sadly no pictures from me - as of yet. XD

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Here in POGD with nothing to do.


My group is dysfunctional and here I am blogging in front of a group of ppl I'd rather work with.

In no order of preference
The Russian
Rui Shang

and many more I can't be bothered to list.

Blogger seems to be back so I guess I can get to that review done. No pics for now. =(

Gotta paint when I get home today.


Monday, May 23, 2011

New stuff

With Blogger screwing up, I can't put in the li9nk yet, but I made a little side blog dedicated to Game reviews. As such, I deleted My Persona 3 Portable post and will restructure it as a proper review.

Till Next time.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Latest Assignment

Latest assignment, think back during yor life and make a game out of it.This should be easy for anyone familiar with visual novels.

Visual novels are described as a cross between a dating simulation game and a text based RPG where the player interaction is making choices and "living" a scenario through the eyes of a character given little more than a basic background and a name. Hence, The story element is the sole driver that keeps players on. An example of a visual novel will be Clannad, which has been adapted to an Anime that was reputed to bring people to tears.

The start screen
An example of an in game scenario

A game, or rather, a JRPG managed to combine Visual novel elements with combat. The award winning Persona 3.

Visual novel-esque NPC interaction

Combat, but I'll talk about that another time. Promise


That aside, Now for the main assignment. I think I can use a trying period of my life last year as a visual novel base. A teenager who fell out with his best friend and tries his best to piece things back together.

The story will begin with a flash back of previous events where the character's best friend gets a free thinking girlfriend. The character is very zealous and sticks up his nos. This causes their 2 year bond to rift and shatter. This will serve as a tutorial mode.

The rest of the game will follow the character's school life as he tries to reconcile with his best friend.

Well, thats All I have so far. One of my next few posts will be purely Persona 3. I promise.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Built a rough of my journal cover. I't based off Tyrael's wings from Diablo 2/3.

A nice guitar pic

Nice no? simple for Tach to pull off though.

That's all for now.

Btw, the review may seem "professional" in some sense, but in no way did I cut and paste any of the content other than the pictures and links.

Lunch break in an hour. needa complete my journal cover. 

Talk ta ya later guys!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Review or something.

Hey guys. Today I will be going over the worst game I have. This is quite a challenge for me since most of my stuff is triple A or decent.In the end, I though I'd disect Square Enix's


Alright, for starters, we have this teenager who gets thrust into yet another war. The story revolves around items called Remnants. Items coming in many forms with various powers and adverse effects as accessories, weapons and, well, the last one is a spoiler.

The plotline is generic but is enough for those who have plenty of free time to see through to. 

The characters, well, we have a bit to talk about here.

Lets start with the main shall we?

Rush Sykes is a filial teenager who's priority is family, hence his strong conviction to look after his sister. He (through the player) can learn skill in the game. That is basically all there is to him, along with the stereotypical idiot hero trope (definition found at

The rest or the Characters don't really have that much to talk about. Generic, typical and for the most part uninteresting. Lord David has some good points though, but that's till you play the game. However, the more interesting backstories are from the hire-able generals. Speaking of which, comes the combat system.

This is where things start to fall apart.

Combat is described as a cross between a tactical JRPG and turn based strategy where your allowed a number of troops with a limited number of total generals (lifted in the PC version) and hirelings with various statistics. How you build your army is key to winning. However, due to-

long load times

limited interactivity during combat

lag (even on a 360)

technical issues

low frame rate

graphical hiccups

Long winded boss fights

Lack of appropriate save options before big fights.

If it lags on a console,then something is very, very wrong. Last Remnant is the only game I know that will lag no matter what system you play it on. To the extent that high res graphics will only load seconds after the area loads. This game in a lot of areas falls short of being a triple A. This would definitely (to me) earn the penguin award for a combat system that almost worked.

Another point where this game didn't sit well with the majority is the need to grind. Grinding is basically doing the same redo-able quest or hunting the most experience carrying monster / profitable area again and again for the sole purpose of leveling up. This game is meant for only calloused hardcore JRPG fans who are no stranger to grinding for hours.

Weapon and character designs  are redeeming factors though. Graphical quality as a whole meets the bar for a Square Enix game.

The soundtrack is decent, but not exactly memorable. The track during battle is dependent on the encounter type. Run of the mill monsters or bosses have different tracks to fight to, only difference is that the boss track switches to a separate track when the boss is on low health. Still, the sounds mesh well with what is going on but doesn't really hook you. 

However, concerning free roaming through towns, why build a large landscape when we are only allowed to travel a straight path way?

I digress.

Overall, here's what I have to say.

Graphics 7.0
Plotline 5.0
Gameplay 6.0
Music 6.0
Overall 6.0

Last Remnant had potential as a franchise, however, some things could have been more thought through. The PC release was better received but it failed to make the mark. Given more time to refine the combat system and technical glitches and freezes, this game would have been a gem in my collection instead of collecting dust on the side.

Well, there we go, my worst game ever played.

Till next time.
